Prof. Jan Dziuban
Prof. Jan A Dziuban was born in 1951 in Sanok (Poland). Graduated ( MSc in electronic) 1974, PhD degree 1978 in microelectronics), habilitation in microsystems (2002) (all degrees from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology). He got presidential professor title in micro and nano engineering (2008, Institute of Electon Technology in Warsaw). He started pioneer works on silicon micromechanics in Poland (1984), followed by invention of industrial micro sensors and actuators (1990-2002). Next to that he focused onto development and application of physical, chemical and biomedical MEMS/MOEMS and NEMS (2004 -) and vacuum micro/nanoelectronic (1996-) devices and instrumentations. Recently, he has been working on and a new family of high and very high vacuum micro/nano systems. Prof. Dziuban works actually as full professor at Faculty of Electronics, Microsystems and Photonics of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. He published 300 scientific articles, is author and co-author of several books on microsystem technology, owns several patents. He chaired/co-chaired several well recognized scientific events (IVNC, Eurosensors, COMS, NAMIS, ELTE), and international/domestic pro-industrial research projects. He is a member of several scientific committees and bodies, is actual president of Polish Sensors Society.